“As we continue to fight COVID-19 and protect the public health of our citizens, we know that Arizona will recover from this pandemic. We will do it together, and we will emerge stronger and more resilient as a state and as a people.”
-Doug Ducey, Governor of Arizona
Governor Ducey outlined three key priorities for Arizona's recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak, which will guide the state's work to protect public health, support local communities and ensure resources are available for Arizonans while we work to revive Arizona's economy.
Addressing the public health crisis is the top priority. Governor Ducey has charged his administration with ensuring that Arizona is doing everything possible to stop the spread of COVID-19, acquiring necessary medical equipment and providing care and comfort for individuals being treated for COVID-19.
Reviving Arizona’s economy and ensuring support is available for individuals facing economic challenges as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak is critical to our recovery efforts. Governor Ducey is committed to ensuring programs like unemployment and health benefits are funded and sustained, while laying the groundwork for our economic recovery so that Arizona can return stronger.
COVID-19 has impacted every community in every corner of our state, creating a ripple effect throughout Arizona. Governor Ducey has charged his administration and organizations serving Arizonans during this time with ensuring our children and most vulnerable are protected, our rural communities have the support they need and we are proactively working to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on our state.
Grant Programs Supporting Arizona's Targeted Needs
Open For Learning Recovery Benefit
The funding will provide relief for parents who may face financial and educational barriers due to unexpected school closures. The program funds up to $7,000 for needs related to Arizona Department of Economic Security- approved or school establishment child care, school-coordinated transportation, tutoring, school tuition, and school supplies.
Program Information ApplicationEducation Plus-Up (EPU) Grant Program

The Education Plus-Up Grant Program is designed to further aid in the mitigation of the economic impacts of COVID-19 and further ensure financial stability to Arizona Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in preparation for the 2021-2022 school year.
Program Information ApplicationCOVID-19 Educational Recovery Benefit Program

Effective Monday, October 4, 2021, the application portal will change to FACTS and potential applicants that have not fully submitted an application (i.e. Draft status) in the current portal, eCivis, will need to establish a FACTS account and submit their applications in that system.
The funding will provide choices for parents who are facing financial and educational barriers due to unlawful school mandates and unnecessary closures. The COVID-19 Educational Recovery Benefit program will fund up to $7,000 per student for needs related to child care, transportation, online tutoring, and tuition.
Program Information FACTS Application Portal eCivis Application PortalBack-to-Work Small Business Hiring and Retention Program

The Back-to-Work Small Business Hiring and Retention Program is designed to assist small, locally owned, or operated businesses hire and retain employees. The program will fund up to $10,000 in expenditures for employee hiring/signing incentives, relocation incentives for employees that are moving to take an open position, and/or employee retention incentives.
Application PortalSTEP 1: Register for FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant Program
In response to the Federal Emergency declaration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) initiated their public Assistance program, allowing state and local governments to apply for reimbursement of COVID-19 related emergency response and protective measures, incurred beginning January 20, 2020. Public assistance is a reimbursement program intended to assist jurisdictions in recouping disaster-related costs.
Applicants should work with the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (DEMA) to complete an application for FEMA public assistance. All applicants must register with FEMA to receive reimbursement from the Public Assistance Program. Use the button below to view the dashboard and verify that your organization is registered.
STEP 2: Sign up to access all COVID-19 related grants and funding opportunities
The eCivis grant system, used by the State of Arizona, is available for use by community partners free of charge to identify and manage COVID-19 related grant opportunities.
Browse the eCivis inventory of available funding opportunities for COVID-19 response and recovery efforts and utilize the grant management tools in the post-award phase. Funding information is added daily, so check back often.
STEP 3: Begin Tracking all COVID-19 Expenses
Local governments, state agencies, tribal communities and nonprofit organizations should ensure proper tracking of all COVID-19 related expenses since the beginning of the crisis. Thorough tracking will ensure requests for reimbursement will have proper supporting documentation. Agencies should refer to their financial accounting department for specific guidance.
If the agency is applying for FEMA public assistance funding, the agency should contact DEMA to attend an applicant webinar and receive relevant materials for tracking expenses. Refer to Step 1 to register for a briefing or click here.
STEP 4: Apply for COVID-19 related Grants and Funding Opportunities from the State of Arizona
Once your organization is registered in eCivis, use the State of Arizona's External Grant Listing to browse COVID-19 related funding opportunities from the the state.
Grant Management Information
Visit the Office of Grants and Federal Resources page for additional grant guidance, eCivis user guides and tutorial videos, and grants information.
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